a. Crime Volume
The Total Crime Volume (TCV) recorded for the period is 1,838. It decreases by 29 crime incidents or 1.55% as compared to 1,867 crime incidents recorded on the same period last year.

b. Total Index Crime (Index Crimes defines as crimes against persons such as murder, homicide, physical injury and rape and crimes against property such as robbery, theft, carnapping/carjacking and cattle rustling).
Of the 1,838 total crime volume, Index crimes registered 361 incidents representing a decrease of 8 crime incidents or 2.17% as compared with 369 incidents of same period last year.

Line Graph of Recorded Index Crime
For Index Crimes recorded in AOR, from the 361 Index Crime recorded Physical Injury is the highest with 140 incidents followed by Theft with 114, Robbery with 49, Murder with 22, Carnapping with 17, Rape with 13, Homicide with 4 and Cattle Rustling with 2.

c. Total Non-Index Crime (Violation of Special Laws)
On the other hand, Non-Index crimes registered 1,477 incidents lowered by 21 incidents representing a decrease of 1.40% compared to 1,498 incidents of same period last year.

For Non-index Crimes recorded in AOR, Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Damage to Property is the highest with 567 followed by Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Physical Injury with 373, then RA 9165 (Anti-illegal Drugs) with 119, RA 8262 (VAWC) with 75, Threats with 53, Malicious Mischief with 50, RA 7610 with 43, Estafa with 32, Alarms and Scandal with 29 and other incidents with minimal record.

d. Crime Clearance Efficiency
Out of 1,838 crimes committed, 1,621 were cleared representing a Crime Clearance Efficiency of 88.19%. It decreases by .1.20% compared to 89.39% CCE of same period last year.

e. Crime Solution Efficiency
Out of 1, 838 crimes committed, 1,333 were solved representing a Crime Solution Efficiency of 72.52%. It is lower by 8.84 % compared to 81.36% CSE of same period last year.

f. Unsolved Crimes
The 217 incidents are unsolved and subject for continuous investigation for their eventual solution. It is higher by 19 or 9.56% compared to 198 uncleared crimes of same period last year.

List of Unsolved Crimes

Statistics shows that index crimes were mostly committed from 6:00 PM to 5:00 AM. Our Office addresses the problem with the deployment of adequate personnel through the Enhanced Managing Police Operations (EMPO) system with the 12 hours shifting of duty and with the support of other law enforcement agencies, other force multipliers and Barangay Tanods, the revitalized night patrolling of all SCPO units and the conduct of synchronize checkpoints.